In a new study, scientists have developed a method to time jump human skin cells by three decades.
Never before has it been possible to turn back the ageing clock without the cells losing their function. According to the study, partially rejuvenated cells showed signs of behavior more similar to young cells in experiments simulating a skin wound.
Experts believe that the findings, although still at an early stage, could revolutionise regenerative medicine, mainly if they can be replicated to other cell types.
Professor Wolf Reik, a German molecular biologist, a group leader at the Babraham Institute, and a professor of Epigenetics at the University of Cambridge, said: "This work has fascinating implications. Eventually, we may be able to identify genes that rejuvenate without reprogramming and specifically target those to reduce the effects of ageing. This approach promises valuable discoveries that could open up an amazing therapeutic horizon."
The researchers thus demonstrated that cells can be rejuvenated without losing their function and that rejuvenation aims to restore certain functions of old cells and observed, among other things, a reversal of ageing markers in disease-related genes, which is particularly promising for the future.
The results and full text of the study are available online at eLife.
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