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Exercise turns on the genes that make us young again

In a previous post, we mentioned the HIIT workout to you.

What is HIIT? Why is it effective? And why is it becoming more and more popular?

We call this the hypoxic response, which is great because it puts the body under just enough stress to activate its defences against ageing without causing permanent harm.
What Is High-Intensity Interval Training?

HIIT is a high-intensity interval-training that combines short phases of intense exercise with short phases of rest. In practice, this means that we exercise at high-intensity intervals, with our heart rate being +80 of max. heart rate, followed by a low-intensity break.

The most common and basic interval is a 30-second sprint, followed by a 1-minute walk, and repeated 10 to 15 minutes. Warm-up is essential before every workout, as unheated muscles and joints are at greater risk of injury due to the high intensity of the intervals. After exercise, a 5 to 10-minute cooling and the stretching break is recommended.

The essence of HIIT is EPOC (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption). That is a process that takes place in the body after exercise when the body returns to a relaxed state and adapts to the consequences of training, which is on the body acted stressfully.

We call this the hypoxic response, which is great because it puts the body under just enough stress to activate its defences against ageing without causing permanent harm.

This response includes: regulating hormone levels in the body, replenishing energy stores, cell regeneration, and a range of nervous and anabolic processes.

Longevity genes activated by exercise are responsible for the health benefits - such as extending telomeres, the growth of new micro blood vessels that deliver oxygen to cells, and boosting the activity of mitochondria. Or, as David Sinclair says, "Exercise turns on the genes that make us young again at a cellular level."

At this point, we present to you our top anti-ageing products. We also look forward to hearing your feedback.


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